New Year, New Me..?

I love “new year, new me” as it gives us a chance to reassess where we are, what we want and how we want to get there. Are you doing what makes you happy? Fulfilled? Providing what you want in life?


This is something we generally only think about during the time between Christmas and New Year when we’re full of turkey and have had to answer the same questions about “what do you actually do?”, “how’s work going?”, “do you enjoy it?, “what’s your new year’s resolution?”  from various distant family members. This is something we should be asking ourselves frequently.

Let’s start simply, think about how many times a day you say “how are you?”, but how often do you ask yourself the same question. If you did, how would you actually respond? I work with  five main pillars of our lives: family, friends, love, work, ourselves. Go through each of these pillars and think about what has been great this year, what would you have done differently if you could and how you will use that to create one goal per pillar that will bring more fulfilment and happiness into each of these in 2018. Once you have your five goals, break these down and write down three small action points you can do to help achieve each of your overarching pillar goals. But most importantly, keep checking in with yourself and evaluating whether your goals are still the same throughout the year.

For my 2018, I have taken the plunge and decided to focus on growing my own business so that I can really help people and put them first. This is going to be an exciting year full of hard work and new challenges. I would be happy to help you achieve your 2018 goals, so reach out. I look forward to hearing from you.

Happy New Year!

Want to know more about coaching with me? Get in touch on email: or connect with me on Instagram or LinkedIn


7 times down, 8 times up


Cerberus: the three headed dog of project management